"the beach of gen.luna"

"the beach of gen.luna"

"white sand"

"white sand"
....sa catanuan eto...

aqoh nga ba toh?

aqoh nga ba toh?
"sexy q anuh?"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

.. FS second Sem.

Feb.16,2010,this was my 2nd observation at DESES.I arrived at 8:A.M because we don't have a class.During that time,the Grade 3 SPED students were answering their examination,but suddenly, cooperating teacher went to heir house and then I'm the one to took his place as the teacher to guide them.Some of students were concentrated,while answering the test paper and the others were noisy and naughty.When Mrs. Autor arrived the pupils were behave and quiet.After they answered, we checked the test paper.One of my students got the highest rating,and that was Beatrice Surio.While they are busy answering the test paper, I took a picture on heir Bulletin Board. At that time, they were not finished the other examination,but Mrs.Autor said that,tommorow will be the continuation.

FS second sem.

February 05,2010 was my first observation for this second semester for my FS subject.The school that was I assigned to me is the DOn Emelio Salumbides ELementary School.I handled Grade 3 SPED class.During my observation, my cooperating teacher,Mrs.Minda Autor gave them a review for the lesson yesterday.Ater that,she had read a story entitled The Mountain Stairways. It was all about the banaue Rice Terraces of the Ifugaos.Afterwards,she gave an activity about the topic that she had read.And then,I'm the one to collect it.When they finished to ate their meriendas,we proceed to the next lesson.This lesson was intended for the review, and all of us were participated.At 11:15 the students were out for the long breaktime.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” –

a traveler

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.”